1:24 Scuderia Long 1958/59 Lotus XI - Julius Voigt-Nielsen
1:24 Scuderia Long 1958/59 Lotus XI - Julius Voigt-Nielsen This project is for an 1:24 Slot Car (and static) model of a Danish Lotus 11 that was raced in the late 50's. Apart from looking ggod that car was a bit special as it was sponsored by a Danish tobacco company and sorted sticker for the (still existing) Long cigarette. Even if a project like this is politically not correct :-) I like the car and the decor :D Danish cigarette ad from ca. 1959 Profil 24 makes a nice resin model in 1:24, but the rear deck is wrong for my model, so I had to remove a lot of material to get it right. next step was to make a grp copy for the slotcar version. I know Profil 24 makes a slot car version, but I have bad experience with resin bodies for 1:24 slot cars. They are generally too heavy and if you dremel them down in thickness they get too fragile and break when receiving a hard impact. For "shelf queens" they are OK, but not for racing cars :-) I th...