
Showing posts from June 21, 2015

1:24 1964 Ferrari 158 - Bandini

1:24 1964 Ferrari 158 - Bandini This model is built from a very unique resin model made by Fernando Pinto of Portugal, who makes some very interesting models. It is a "curbside" model, but the finished model show all the necessary engine details. I forgot to take photos of the kit before I started building it, but the building instructions shows the components. The suspension components is a mix of soft, thin wire and delicate resin parts. The main kit parts is the tub/engine component which is one casting with some wire suspension parts actually cast into the resin. The casting is very well done and very detailed. Here is the tub shown with with all cast components. I have just painted the parts and added the driver, which is made of parts from different sources. The head and torso is from Immense Miniatures, the legs are Tamiya and the arms resin parts. I was very difficult to fit the driver into the very narrow tub, but I like to have a drive...