1:24 Scuderia Long 1958/59 Lotus XI - Julius Voigt-Nielsen
1:24 Scuderia Long 1958/59 Lotus XI - Julius Voigt-Nielsen
This project is for an 1:24 Slot Car (and static) model of a Danish Lotus 11 that was raced in the late 50's. Apart from looking ggod that car was a bit special as it was sponsored by a Danish tobacco company and sorted sticker for the (still existing) Long cigarette.
Even if a project like this is politically not correct :-) I like the car and the decor :D
next step was to make a grp copy for the slotcar version. I know Profil 24 makes a slot car version, but I have bad experience with resin bodies for 1:24 slot cars. They are generally too heavy and if you dremel them down in thickness they get too fragile and break when receiving a hard impact. For "shelf queens" they are OK, but not for racing cars :-)
This is the static kit with a period driver from Profil 24 - great looking - I want to make a similar insert in the slot car :-)
This project is for an 1:24 Slot Car (and static) model of a Danish Lotus 11 that was raced in the late 50's. Apart from looking ggod that car was a bit special as it was sponsored by a Danish tobacco company and sorted sticker for the (still existing) Long cigarette.
Even if a project like this is politically not correct :-) I like the car and the decor :D
Danish cigarette ad from ca. 1959
Profil 24 makes a nice resin model in 1:24, but the rear deck is wrong for my model, so I had to remove a lot of material to get it right.
I think this picture speaks for itself - my grp copy right - 75g versus 9,3g
Decals are drawn in Corel Draw and printed on the ALPS
Driver is painted and mounted in the car
looks great :-)
The static kit is finished and I want to make a slot car with a GRP body based on the same car
This is probably the worst chassis project I have started :-(
Everything is wrong - a small car, no room inside, full interior, which means front motor drive etc etc it's doomed beforehand...
Chassis and body
Lots of room inside the body
Front suspension
The first chassis layout was based on a double transmission layout, having a mid transaxle fed by double gears front. This was noty possible due to limited space, so a flex axle solution was choosen instead
The plan is still to make a full 3D interior, hiding the drive train.
The car is built to danish Classic rules with a Fox 10 motor, even if a smaller motor would have made the task easier :-)
Rules says body incl. mounts is 44g and total weight 160g